
Thursday, March 14, 2013


In the hierarchy of gender – based power relations, adolescent females occupy the lowest rung. Their opportunities for self – development and autonomy are limited due to societies denying them access to education, health care and gainful employment. On top of this, many are confronted with sexual coercion and abuse, often starting at a very young age.
Adolescent girls are relatively powerless when dealing with older partners, increasing their risk of infections from STDS and/or AIDS. Many older men deliberately seek out young girls in the mistaken belief that their chances of AIDS infection will be reduced. This behavior is reflected in the faster – rising rate of infection among girls than boys.
Even when it comes to child marriages, child brides faces greater health risks and experience real physical violation and trauma as her young body is forced to deal with early sexual activity and the strains and pains of pregnancy and child birth.  
Many teenagers are unable to negotiate for protected sex. Further compounding their vulnerable position is their lack of knowledge of contraceptive methods and lack of access to reproductive health information and services available.

This incident was reported very recently.
(On 24th August 2009)
A 15 years old girl was taken by force by a group of men, to a studio where her nude photos were taken. Then they have sexually abused the girl and later on she was admitted to a nearby hospital. 

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