
Thursday, March 14, 2013


There are number of women around the world who has to get married by force for many reasons. The bride’s father may be a businessman who wants his daughter to marry the son of his business partner. Most of the time, the bride parents don’t bother to find out what kind of a person their son-in-law is going to be. They let her get married just because they are very good friends of the groom’s parents. There are many instances where the husband turns out to be a heavy drinker, smoker or a gambler. Studies indicate that women who marry at young ages are more likely to believe that it is sometimes acceptable for a husband to beat his wife, and are therefore more likely to experience domestic violence themselves.
Violent behavior can take the form of physical harm, psychological attacks, threating behavior and force sexual acts including rape.

The nobility of some culture tend to use child marriage among different fractions or states as a method to secure political ties between them. For example, the daughter of the royal family of a weaker power would sometimes be arranged to marry into the royal family of a stranger neighboring power, thus preventing it from being assimilated. In the lower classes, if they were fortunate, families could use child marriages as means to gain financial ties with the weather people, ensuring their successions.
In some instance, even if the wife wants the divorce, the husband is not willing to give it just because he wants his wife to suffer more. A woman is helpless in this kind of situations. There are many women out there who would give away anything in life just to get rid of their marriages.  Some women even attempt suicide when they have no other choice.

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